Merge Ahead
Merge Sort in JavaScript.
As I continue my deep dive into data structures and algorithms the realization of the importance of sorting algorithms becomes more clear. A sorting algorithm arranges the elements in a collection of data in the correct order. One of the most useful sorting algorithms used is Merge Sort.
What is Merge Sort?
Merge sort uses the concept of divide and conquer to sort a list of elements. This means it will divide one big problem into multiple smaller problems and then solve each of the small problems in order to solve the original bigger problem. Merge Sort is broken down into basically three steps:
- divide the given array into halves until we have an array that has one element or an array that is completely empty.
- once we have a smaller sorted array, merge those arrays back together until you’re back to the full length of the array.
- finally, once the array has been merged together, return the merged array.
Here is a visual example of how Merge Sort works:
Example array : [3,4,2,1]
- First, divide the array into smaller arrays until we can no longer divide the arrays any smaller.
leftArray rightArray
[3 , 4] [2, 1]
[3] [4] [2] [1]
- We need to merge the smaller arrays to get to the sorted array. When we compare
they have already been sorted so we move on to2
where2 greater than 1
so put1
first and2 second
leftArray rightArray
[3 , 4] [ 2, 1 ]
[3] [4] [2] [1]
[3, 4] [1 ,2]
- Now, compare the
index of0
and therightArray
index of0
which are3
is smaller than3
so that we removed1
from therightArray
part and push into thesorted array
leftArray rightArray
[3 , 4] [1, 2]
[3] [4] [2] [1]
[3, 4] [2]
sorted array [ 1 ]
- Once again we check
and removed2
from therightArray
part and push into thesorted array.
leftArray rightArray
[ 3 , 4 ] [ 1, 2 ]
[3] [4] [2] [1]
[3, 4] [ ]
sorted array [1,2]
- Lastly, we need to merge the
with thesorted array.
leftArray rightArray
[3 , 4] [1, 2]
[3] [4] [2] [1]
[3, 4] [ ]
sorted array [ 1 ,2 ,3, 4]
How all that ⬆️ is written using Merge Sort!
array : [3,4,2,1]
function mergedSort(array,half = array.length/2){
if(array.length < 2){
return array
// it means we no longer divide the array into a smaller array
const leftArray = array.splice( 0,half );
//left part of the array
return mergedArray( mergedSort( left ),mergedSort( array ) )
function mergedArray(leftArray, rightArray) {
const array = [];
while (leftArray.length && rightArray.length) {
if (leftArray[ 0 ] < rightArray[ 0 ]) {
array.push( leftArray.shift( ) )
// remove from the left partand push into the sorted array
} else {
array.push( rightArray.shift( ) )
// remove from the right part and push into the sorted array
return [ ...array, ...left, ...right ];
//Output =>[1,2,3,4]
Hope this helps, Merge Away!